Monday, July 27, 2009


Ren: I know you don't read blogs, not even mine but this post is for you... Thanks for knowing what this quest for the perfect ghost means...
A few months ago I read this quotation by Rochefoucauld: "True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen"... right after, I tried to remember if I'd ever seen a ghost, fortunately I can say that I've seen that ghost, that true love everybody wants for themselves yet doubt to be real...
True love exists, yet I don't understand why people don't want to believe in it, is it because they're afraid of it? Is it because they're afraid of getting hurt? Some ghosts can be spookier than others but each one of us has our own reason not to believe in something we might have never seen before but let me ask you something, has it ever happened to you that you're looking for something and it's right there in front of you but you just can't see it? Maybe love is like that, we might even be truly loved but we are not able to see it as we take it for granted.

Think about it for a while, we think that love is perfect. We have this idea that love has to be easy and if you're looking to find that out there, maybe this is why you'll never see this ghost, because you're looking for the wrong ghost. Love is the most imperfect thing you can imagine. It's filled with mistakes, lessons, forgiveness, anger, patience, sadness, joy and all these emotions that mixed together can result in something so pure called love, just like all colors mixed together make white.

To see love we have to keep our eyes open and we need to learn how to recognize it... We can't pretend to see this ghost everywhere because it’s not found that easily. Most of the times we don't know what it looks like, most of the times it doesn’t look like we want it to; there’s nothing else to do but to keep a hopeful light in our hearts that will guide this ghost to us, through rough and dark paths.


do you ever wish you were someone else? well sometimes I do, especially when I realize that many other people have certain qualities I wish I had…
most of the time people think I’m outgoing, cheerful and confident, and I probably look like that but I don’t think that myself...
I like talking to people, getting to know them, hearing their stories and learning from them but is that really being outgoing? I love dancing and singing but that doesn’t mean I’m cheerful, to be honest, I tend to focus on the negative side of things most of the time…

all this makes me think that most of the time we judge based on the looks, we make assumptions not based on reality and when we think we know someone, we probably don’t have a clue about who they really are.
we are getting used to rejecting people without even getting to know them first. we expect a certain behavior based on the looks, if we see some beautiful guy or girl we expect them to be stupid or maybe easygoing and sexy. whenever we see someone who wears glasses and isn’t interested in fashion we refer to them as “geeks”, but this can’t be more wrong, I know this because sometimes people might get the wrong idea of who I really am; honestly I’m just a geek in the closet who wishes she could dance better to get the guy she wants.

I bet there are plenty of people out there wishing they were prettier, sexier, and funnier or maybe a different person sometimes but the thing is that we all want to be someone else from time to time, it’s only human to wish we had something we want and has been denied by any circumstance.
I’ve learnt that all we need to do is to stop focusing on what we lack of and value and appreciate what has been given to us, our own talents and qualities. this great advice I’ve been given by one of my best friends and it’s been helpful because geek or not I’m loved by many people just as I am.