Monday, August 10, 2009

“…and I lived happily ever after.”

A few nights ago I saw this movie about reality turning into a fairy tale with a happy ending, good winning over evil and magic all over the place… I liked it, and then it suddenly hit me that in most of this kind of movies its children the ones that believe in magic not adults and I couldn’t help wonder why. The only reason I found is that when we are little we have no idea how cruel reality can be sometimes. We are trapped between innocence and ignorance and this makes us see life through naive eyes.
But when is it that we stop believing? Is it when something cruel shakes our reality and bursts our bubble? Or does believing just fades away as we grow older?

When I was little I used to be naive and easily fooled but I was hopeful…then a little piece of reality bursted my bubble making me realize that bad things can happen to me too. That fact made me grow before my time; it kicked ignorance out of my life and made me aware of things regular teenagers just don’t think about.

That particular event that changed my life caught me totally off guard and by surprise, ever since, I’ve found really helpful being alert of everything around me, this awareness is what keeps me safe and helps me protect whenever I feel insecure or in danger.

As a result I became a little cynical and suspicious for my age but that really worked out for me. For a long time it was really helpful to foresee things that could happen in life, but I’ve recently noticed that total control and monitoring isn’t good either, it's too exhausting...
Fortunately life has showed me that as hopeless and discouraged as I can feel sometimes, there’s always some happenstance that brings hope back. I’ve learnt that good events are the ones hard to predict and life is better that way because we wouldn’t enjoy them so much if we knew they’re coming.
I can definitely point out those sad events that have made me a little skeptical but honestly I can also point out those events that have brought magic back into my life and that have reminded me that magic does exist. I’m sure those are meant to exist in our lives to remind us that sometimes life can be like a fairy tale, even if it’s only for one night or just a couple of days… think about it, I’m sure that we can all think of certain moments that made us feel like we were living in a dream so never ever stop believing because there’s a fairy tale ahead, waiting for us to be ready to enjoy it.
Being able to see magic happen in front of your eyes is not a matter of age, it's just a matter of faith and trust.