Wednesday, August 10, 2011


So here I am looking for something to watch on TV and suddenly I stumble upon my favorite series' reruns on E!
Everybody who knows me sure knows which one that is, but that's actually not very important right now. What this fact brought into my mind was the memory of what I was doing the first time that I saw this show and how things have changed ever since. I can actually recall this image of myself watching the dvd's laying in my bed and just feeling miserable: I was unemployed and there was so much going on in my mind at that time, mostly stupid barriers that wouldn't allow me to do anything out of fear... fear of making mistakes, fear of loss...

When I look back then I realize that I've made my share of mistakes; I've finally understood that that's exactly what we're here for: falling off the bike and standing up to try again.
I've sure lost many things and people on the way but I will always keep what they taught me and I'll always be glad that they touched my life. Somehow I've dared to change and move in a direction that I would've never imagined. I'm not saying all my fears went away because I can still feel some of them in me but probably I just learnt how to put them aside for a while and just jump into life.

I kind of feel like I'm back at the beginning. But life is a cycle and we'll definitely end up back where we started some times, the thing is that we're a different person when that happens and those chances that we ask of going back to the beginning carrying what we know in the present are actually given to us by life. It is tricky I know but it's all part of living in the present and not worrying about the past which you can't change or the future which hasn't even arrived yet... to me this has got to be one of the most important lessons that this cycle called life has given me.

This has definitely proved to me that most of the time we worry too much but I've seen with my own eyes that we worry about something that is not even there yet. We worry about something that is just in our head. I know we might base our fear on previous experience but we must keep in mind that we learn, grow and change incredibly fast and that every time a scary situation comes to us it is a different person that will face it. Never doubt your ability to acquire new skills, new courage and wisdom, you might actually surprise yourself, I know I did.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Life as I know it

“Try to remind myself that I was happy here before I knew that I could get on a plane and fly away from the road where the cars never stop going through the night to a life where I can watch the sunset and take my time, take all our time…” Sand in my shoes, Dido

How many times in your life have you ever stopped and realised if you’re doing what you really want or if you are the person you want to be? Well, being somewhat of a misfit I wonder about that all the time and I repeatedly ask myself a serious amount of questions on that subject during the day ever since I can remember.

The first part of my life I was truly concerned about fitting in and being the person everybody expected me to be. I was an excellent student: teacher’s loved me, my mom was proud of me and I recall doing everything I could in order to keep my friends happy… Denying who I really was and following the rules worked out for me for a while but a period of several changes came into my life and most of them caught me so off guard that I honestly didn’t know how to react to them. I hated change for a long time and got reluctant towards it without realising that it was actually good for me; change has taught me that I don’t need to fit and be loved by everyone and that everything I do doesn’t need to be approved by everyone around me and I actually feel relieved for not having that weight on my shoulders anymore, and it’s that relief what has given me the chance to try new things.

One of the things that I experimented lately was travelling on my own. I’ve done that several times for work but I had never taken a vacation by myself… People were actually surprised and a little skeptical about it but I was sure it was going to be awesome.

…And awesome it was, I had the time of my life and 10 days away totally changed the way I see things now. I know it might sound stupid but changing your routine for a few days and being away talking to people and learning about their lives can totally make you evaluate if you are happy or not. Some of the people I met sold everything they had to make their dreams come true and literally travel around the world with that money.

I must confess that idea has crossed my mind several times during my life but I’d never actually met somebody who had the guts to do it. It was great realising that the difference between a judgmental person and a happy one is that the first one only caresses their dreams and reject them because they’re afraid of change while the second one not only caresses their dreams but does everything they need to make them come true. I think people are judgmental due to different reasons: they may not know how to carry out their dreams; they just don’t feel confident enough to know that they deserve trying to make them happen and doing as they please, or they’re just afraid of losing what they have come to know as “stability”…

Now that I come to think about it, “stability” was one of the things I was a little bit afraid of losing (even while I was on vacation): at first I tried to book a tour which included accommodation and visiting many of the spots I wanted to visit. After browsing for options on the web, I narrowed it down to this little hotel in San Cristobal, Chiapas which offered a private room and different tours. I was ready to book that hotel for 6 days, 5 nights but their customer service for booking was terrible and I decided I couldn’t trust these people with my credit card info. I was thinking about what to do when a friend of mine suggested: “why don’t you do some backpacking and stay at a hostel?” at the beginning I must confess, I was nervous because I’d never done that before and it involved moving from one place to another by myself and looking for new accommodation at each one of these places instead of just staying at one same place and coming back from the spots I visited to the same location. I even tried to book hostels in advance and even made an excel sheet with all the spots I wanted to visit, some travelling recommendations and 3 different options of hostels for each place in case I couldn’t find somewhere to sleep…

But it wasn’t necessary, the first thing I did when I got to the first stop was forgetting about my stupid pseudo itinerary and just go with the flow. The first couple of days I met backpackers who had been travelling for months and all I could wonder was “don’t they miss their bed?” and “how “stable” their lives have been during their last months???” I couldn’t help noticing how light they were travelling, both emotionally and luggage wise, most of them were carrying only one bag and occasionally sent home stuff they’d bought in order to keep it light. I couldn’t imagine myself travelling that light and wearing the same clothes for an extended period of time ‘til I could find a laundry or a hostel equipped with a washing machine.

I was being a little judgmental myself but as the days went by I realised that most of the things in my bag I didn’t even use, I didn’t need all that stuff: all that make up and all those shoes… I ran out of clean t-shirts pretty soon due to a miscalculation but other than that I realised I could travel pretty light myself as well… As time went by I noticed that hostel beds weren’t that bad at all and that I hadn’t even thought about my apartment for a while. I didn’t care that I wasn’t sleeping on my bed or that I wasn’t using my car to move from one place to another. I realised that “stability” is actually inside of each one of us and it is not given by a bunch of furniture surrounded by four walls.

Backpackers didn’t miss home because home was travelling along with them. As a backpacker you never find yourself alone; there’s always someone to talk to, someone to travel along with and someone to exchange tips and recommendations with.

People don’t even find it necessary to think about the place they’ve left, actually most of the people I’ve kept in touch with and that have gone back home found it very hard to re-adapt to the routine they had before they left, I should know about this because it happened to me. I actually miss being away in the same way I thought I was going to miss home. I don’t know what is it about travelling that changes you but it really does; for me, it might have been the fact of talking and listening to so many people from such different places and learning about how we might have different points of view but in the end it's the same thoughts that cross our minds.

All of us have different fears but somehow we find the strength and courage to overcome them once we meet somebody who has done it. We listen to their advice, we learn the best ways to do it and we verify that we’re going to be just fine.

After coming back my routine didn’t change that much. I returned to work, the gym, and hanging out with my friends as I normally do but this trip definitely switched something inside me allowing me to see things from a totally different perspective and evaluating whether or not I like my life as I know it.

Even little details can trigger big changes in a person’s life; even a stupid apple falling off a tree may be a reason good enough to start wondering why things fall down and the rest is history… don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I’m going to come up with a theory that will change the course of physics and mechanics, I’m just saying that a trip like this gave me a glimpse of different options in my life and helped me see that it’s not my job to judge but to respect other people’s dreams no matter how “crazy” or different from mine they may be.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Costo de oportunidad

Y como todos los días, hoy me levanté y me puse el disfraz que uso de lunes a viernes de Ejecutiva de Category Management. Llegué a mi compu, la prendí y leí un poco de noticias y artículos como una forma de procrastinación antes de decidirme a trabajar porque honestamente me cuesta mucho trabajo concentrarme en las cosas.
Mi trabajo básicamente consiste en analizar números y compararlos con estudios de mercado y lo que piensa el consumidor. Mi participación en la máquina capitalista consiste en saber si se están vendiendo más o menos calzones que el año anterior: si se venden menos yo tengo que saber por qué demonios nos están dejando de comprar y si se venden más tengo que saber qué estamos haciendo bien para replicarlo y básicamente vender más.

Debo confesar que nunca en la vida imaginé que iba a terminar trabajando con números, cuando empecé a estudiar mercadotecnia me imaginaba en una oficina con muchos colores, gran espacio y jugando algo mientras la gran idea de una campaña publicitaria viniera a mi mente pero la vida me ha llevado por caminos algo diferentes. Descubrí que tengo un lado estructurado y cerrado al cual le ha encantado trabajar con números porque son exactos y más sinceros que las personas. La otra parte de mí ama leer los estudios de mercado y conocer más al consumidor así que por la parte laboral estoy bastante a gusto porque después de mucha inestabilidad laboral y de mucho trabajo he logrado conseguir algo que me gusta y cuyo sueldo mensual no me hace sufrir. Creo que es justamente por esto último que me siento tan culpable de sentir que algo me falta…

Últimamente he estado platicando con algunos amigos que son igual de afortunados que yo. Siendo realistas, somos de esa pequeña parte de la población que ha sido afortunada al tener acceso a una buena educación y un buen trabajo pero a ellos también les cuesta trabajo creer que esto es “la vida” y que la rutina de levantarse, disfrazarse y pretender que todo está bien es lo único que venimos a hacer a este mundo.

Irónicamente esa esclavitud es la que nos permite “seguir viviendo” pero básicamente vivir es trabajar para subsistir. Obviamente hay personas que encajan perfecto en la rutina impuesta a nivel mundial o que al menos hacen parecer como si los hiciera felices, estas personas son las que encuentran un costo de oportunidad más alto en trabajar y despedirse de su vida personal. No estoy diciendo que esté mal, cada quién tiene diferentes formas de satisfacer su necesidad de logro, simplemente estoy diciendo que no todos nos conformamos o necesitamos lo mismo. Hay gente que prefiere alimentar su espíritu y sacrificar la parte terrenal pero son juzgados por la sociedad y tachados de parásitos o “buenos para nada”. Sí, en el año 2011 la gente todavía no es libre de elegir lo que se les pegue la gana sin temer a la crítica y la poca aceptación.

Afortunadamente existen personas que a pesar de ir en contra de la corriente han tenido el valor de realizar sus sueños y han tenido la sensatez de hacer algo que realmente les llene a pesar de sacrificar la parte banal que tan valorada es en nuestros tiempos. Quiero agradecer a estas personas por servirme de inspiración y demostrarme que no está mal buscar algo más: gracias a la que se fue a recorrer literalmente todos los mares y se atrevió a volver a amar a pesar de que había pensando que nunca lo iba a volver a hacer; gracias al que tuvo el valor de renunciar a una carrera de actuaría que no lo iba a ser feliz para convertirse en escritor a pesar de lo que eso significaba financieramente; gracias al que no temió a armar una revolución para educar a la gente y enseñarles que vivir tranquilo y ser transparente era más importante que estar “encerrado en el closet” y preocuparse por el “qué dirán”; gracias a la que agarró todos sus ahorros para irse a otro país a estudiar lo que siempre quiso a pesar de que sabía que probablemente regresaría sin nada…

Yo creo que todo ellos tienen algo en común: les admiro el valor que tuvieron al hacer algo que podría traer consecuencias muy negativas pero he visto que estaban tan concentrados en hacer lo que querían que todo lo demás fluyó para ellos. Las consecuencias negativas que eran de esperarse no han sido tan malas como pensábamos. Sí, a veces las sienten y añoran algunas de las ventajas que perdieron al cambiar de camino pero puedo jurar que ninguno de ellos se arrepiente y que su nueva decisión les ha dejado a todos aún más cosas positivas de lo que les quitó.

Gracias por leerme.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Serendipity (Part 2)

Still in awe of good things that happen as “accidents” and my fascination with the way the universe arranges things to happen, I collected some interesting stuff that was created by “lucky coincidence”, enjoy:

- “And we owe our health to PENICILIN”: In 1928 an untidy Scottish biologist and pharmacologist named Alexander Fleming came back to his laboratory after spending August on Holiday with his family. Before he left he had been doing some research on staphylococci and he had left his cultures in his laboratory. On his return he discovered a mold that had grown in one of the cultures, this mold produced a substance able to kill bacteria and was named Penicillin. It was released March 7th, 1929 and has been used to cure several bacterial infections such as: syphilis, gangrene and tuberculosis.

- “Accidentally high; LSD”: In 1938 a swiss chemist named Albert Hofmann was trying to obtain a respiratory and circulatory stimulant working on a fungus named Ergot and a Medicinal plant for Sandoz Laboratories (nowadays Novartis). He got LSD for the first time during this year but he set it aside until 5 years later (1943) when he decided to work again on it, this time he accidentally absorbed a small quantity through his fingertips and discovered its powerful effects… I think this guy must have had the greatest job ever, he was actually paid for getting high as he became director of Natural Products Department at Sandoz and had the pleasure of travelling to our beautiful Mexico to try and study “magic mushrooms” and Olioliuhqui seeds among others.

- “The marvellous CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES”: The addictive chocolate cookies were ironically developed by an american dietician named Ruth G. Wakefield. She was trying to make a different kind of dessert named Chocolate drop cookies but she ran out of regular baker’s chocolate and used instead broken pieces of semi-sweet chocolate from Nestlé. The chocolate chip cookies were born and she eventually became business partner of Andrew Nestlé. I think I owe this lady about 40% of my extra fat.

- “One of my personal favorites: SILLY PUTTY”; I don’t know if you ever got to play with this as a kid but a guy named James Wright, an american engineer at General Electric during 1943 invented one of my favorite toys by accident. He was actually looking for a substitute of the natural rubber that was used in truck tires and soldiers’ boots during WWII and got a gooey compound instead. He got so disappointed that he took the gob and tossed it onto the floor, it bounced back and 7 years after that a toy seller named Peter Hodgson put it in an egg and presented it at the International Toy Fair in N.Y. the rest is history...

I really hope you enjoyed this short list; there are many other serendipitous developments that you can find following the link below. I could’ve gone on and on but I decided to post only those events that got my attention.

Just to mention some serendipitous events that may catch your attention: Viagra, Cellophane, X rays, Laughing gas, Corn Flakes and Safety glass among others.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Serendipity (Part 1)

“The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident…” **

A couple of weeks ago I heard this news about a homeless man who wandered the streets of Ohio with a sign in his hands asking for a chance to be an announcer again, the guy had done some radio before but lost his whole life (family, job, friends) to drugs and alcohol and ended up on the streets. He got what he wanted and a CBS news reporter gave him a chance to do what we does best and show off his talent. The video got to the right person at CBS and now everybody is offering Ted Williams big contracts to work with him.

The point of sharing this story with you is comparing the past and the present of this guy; his life changed overnight and (at least on the outside) he went from the lowest point to stardom and even though some say things just happen and that it was just some lucky accident I can’t help but thinking of all the events that had to line up in order to change this guy’s life at the exact moment when he needed it the most. Was it just a happy coincidence? Is there such thing as a plan made and written for each one of us?
If you come to think of it, we’re immersed in this “coincidences” all the time and we involuntarily dance to a domino effect that combined with our own decisions shape our lives. Sometimes this chain of reactions brings us something we longed for, sometimes it brings things that are not so good at a first glance but it always brings something that we need.
I think there’s two sides of the coin to this story: the first one is all of the external events we can’t control, the circumstances we’re forced to face (the lemons life gives us) and the other one is the actions we choose to take. Regarding this, I was reading about serendipitous events through history (which I will comment on part 2) and I found two very interesting quotes:

“All things are ready if our minds are so” Shakespeare
“Chance favors only the prepared mind” Pasteur

If these quotes are right, they sum up that serendipitous events may only come to reality when we’re ready for them, otherwise they will just pass by unnoticed. So maybe we do have the last say and seredipitous events come to our life whenever we’re ready for them; maybe this guy I mentioned before was done with misfortune and learnt what he had to, he moved onto a new stage in his life in order to start learning what comes next. If this is so, then how are we supposed to know what we need to learn if we don’t know it yet?...
Most of the time my mind looks for closure when it comes to deep diving into this kind of things but about serendipity no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to draw a conclusion, all I know is that everything is possible, everything can happen, even the most unlikely and unexpected events…

** Definition taken from:
Image taken from: